Monday, January 13, 2014

Here I go AGAIN !!

"Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.
 The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Guys sorry for being old school and not using whatsapp. I am dragging you back to emails . so bear with me :)

I think we people are too much angry these days. Too much argumentative, too much judgemental, taking too much load. pursuing random quests be it in terms of physical, spiritual, intellectual or in any other form.

We are always running. Running to collect wisdom, running to give wisdom, running to earn money, running to spend money, running to save money. We took Steve Jobs too seriously when he said. Stay Hungry , stay foolish. We are hungry for information, hungry for love, hungry for affection, hungry for success, hungry for food (...duh).

We appreciate if we befriend  a bartender, but be cold to juniors in our workplaces. We seek compassion from the owner while visiting a cafe or a bar, but are completely cold towards our employee personal obligations.

Disclaimer: I am not doing any moral policing here.

We keep saying friends are the best relationship. Its because you can choose friends but not family. I think its just a euphemism for a convenient relationship. Friends are one of the most convenient relationship. YOu seek them when you want to chill, you can shove them off whenever you feel like, because you are not bounded with them with any societal law.  Isnt it convenience?

We live in best of the human civilisation time. When a continent is few hours away. Almost Any disease can be cured. You have everything literally at our fingertips.

But we are still mad. I am not talking about some aap supporters talking at the top of their voice  to stop corruption. But the madness in our head which keeps us forcing to constantly whatsapp or facebook or drink every weekend. Abuse our physical and economical state.
This thought come to my mind few days ago. A person who cant keep himself fit, really cant work upon anything. Because keeping yourself fit is the most tangible result you can get with your efforts. There are no doubts about it. everybody knows this that if you workout eat healthy, you will become fit. A fit person looks better, feel better. and if you dont work on you fitness, you will be unfit, have atleast one disease when you are old.So what kind of ignorance is this.  I think every other goal has some probabilistic rate of achievement.. THis is a sure shot goal, still we dont work on it.

Btw that fitness this thing was just an example, not the main agenda of the mail.

If you are getting hang of what I am trying to say do let me know,I will try to elaborate it further then

1 comment:

  1. Humans have been hungry-for-more ever since they came into existence. Long before Steve Jobs gave the speech. He himself has been looking for more throughout his life. But I totally agree. We are too serious about that "more" factor these days. We are trying too hard. We are very anxious. We are not content.
    At the surface, it looks like peer/societal pressure being the root cause but I doubt. There is something inane about human nature that persuades us to run.

    There is a shlok in Geeta that says, a person who doesn't get agitated in sorrow and doesn't get excited in happiness, is the person who has the calm and is a true Sadhu. This really clicked for me and I believe that's the key to halt our run and be relaxed. Do simple things, think simple, live simple.

    I know the above sounds very philosphical and only nice-to-read-but-not-practical but believe me these kind of thoughts make sense when we pause in our life. Just like the long vacation I took and stayed at home. That was the time when I was just sitting at my home, doing nothing. Probably that's when you attain that calm - both physically as well as mentally - and can see things in perspective, over a wider horizon.

    The irony is that the above thoughts came to my mind when I read your email and got "extremely excited" with the idea of creating a blog.

    Personally, I want to stop running but the best I could achieve is a never-ending swimming contest where I only pause for a monent at the end of the lap but just to change direction.
